History and Values
The “Ceramics of Italy” mark is reserved exclusively for Italian-made ceramic products | by Andrea Serri
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“Made in Italy” is much more than an indication of geographical origin. It enshrines for a set of values recognised the world over, including quality, transparency, leadership in design, innovation and environmental sustainability. These values, which have been the hallmarks of the Italian ceramic industry since the 1970s, are now embodied in the Ceramics of Italy mark used to represent Italian ceramic tile, sanitaryware and tableware manufacturers belonging to Confindustria Ceramica in global markets.
Through the new regulations for use of the mark which came into effect at the beginning of 2009, the Association aims to safeguard and promote Italian ceramic products manufactured at factories in Italy. Only products effectively manufactured on Italian soil are now entitled to display the prestigious Ceramics of Italy mark of origin.
Declaration of origin is a key factor in the process of modernising and adapting products to the requirements of international trade. This process involves a voluntary undertaking on the part of companies to declare the origin of marketed products in accordance with the Recommendation, a document that is a pre-requisite for use of the Ceramics of Italy mark by Confindustria Ceramica member companies. These companies must also comply with the Regulations for use of the mark, which represents a major step forward in promoting transparent sales activities and informed consumer choices.
The Regulations also clearly define the ceramic products that are eligible to use the mark. In the case of tiles, these consist of products made from clay or other inorganic raw materials intended principally for use as floor or wall coverings, whereas there are no limitations on the shape or dimensions of ceramic sanitaryware or tableware. At the manufacturer’s discretion, the mark may be displayed on products and packaging and on catalogues, samples, advertising material and trade fair exhibits.